Collision Pros Magazine
2016 | ISSUE 1Increase Your Knowledge
The Automotive Service Association (ASA) has many great free resources, including suggestions on collision repair, industry white papers and tools to help educate your customers about automotive repair.
Alignment Equals Calibration
If a vehicle has been realigned or had work done on the chassis or grille, the pre-crash system and millimeter cruise radar system need to be checked and recalibrated.
In Japanese "Mirai" Means Future
The Mirai is one of the world's first mass-produced hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. Mirai is unique from a collision repair standpoint due to its hydrogen and fuel cell components.
Repair Planing the Toyota Way
Repair planning ensures you know exactly where you're going and that you have all the tools, resources and knowledge you need to achieve the desired result.
Introducing New CR&R Trainer Agustin Diaz
Specializing in heavy collision work, Diaz comes to the training program with over 35 years of experience as a body tech working in various shops.